Malnutrition Risk Factors In TBC: A Case Study In Medan, Indonesia

Author : Imelda Liana Ritonga, Tahun : 2020

Abstrak : The purpose of the study was to discuss the causes of malnutrition in TB patients: A case study in Medan Indonesia, this research method is a case study from Luck, Jackson and Usher (2005), the results of this study are the factors that cause malnutrition in TB patients found from this study. are (1) elderly and pre-elderly TB patients, (2) TB patients with Diabetes Mellitus, (3) TB patients with HIV, (4) TB patients with Renal failure. The data from this study indicate the need for an assessment of the nutritional status of patients when TB is diagnosed. This is to increase awareness of the nutritional status of the patient since the patient was diagnosed with TB. In accordance with the results of this study, the assessment really needs to be emphasized in cases of TB with the elderly, TB with HIV, TB with Diabetes Mellitus and TB with Renal failure

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Bahasa : Indonesia
Kata Kunci : Malnutrisi, TBC

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